Jose A. Fernandez-Leon Fellenz, PhD DPhil
Scientist (Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Robotics) at CIFICEN-CONICET & INTIA-UNCPBA
Head (Incoming Director-General; starting his first independent and experimental laboratory in 7/2025) of the NeuroAI Lab at the Institute for Advanced Research in Informatics (INTIA) of the Faculty of Exact Sciences at the National University of Central Buenos Aires (UNCPBA)
Adjunct Researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) at CIFICEN (CONICET-CICPBA-UNCPBA).
Asist. Professor (Profesor Adjunto) in the Department of Computer Science-Faculty of Exact Sciences.
I take a cross-disciplinary approach to cognitive science as a neuroscientist and Artificial Intelligence researcher. I apply cutting-edge discoveries in Neuroscience to create the next generation of Artificial Intelligence and use the later discipline to unveil the brain's principles.
I’m always interested in collaborating. Please email me if you’d like to work together.
::: NeuroAI Lab :::
Contact Information
INTIA Institute - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Campus Universitario
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA) - Paraje Arroyo Seco, (B7001BBO) Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina.CIFICEN-CCT CONICET Tandil - Campus Universitario UNCPBA – Tandil – Buenos Aires – Argentina.